Pretty much everything Meryl Streep does is amazing. She's a formidable actress, an outspoken advocate for the causes she believes in, and just seems like the most fun ever.

Audience, People, Event, Crowd, Applause, Performance, pinterest

That's probably why our new favorite meme features the legendary actress. A screenshot of Streep showing her support for awardee Debbie Reynolds at the 2015 SAG Awards has gone viral after Twitter users started captioning it with song lyrics. From Beyoncé to Britney to your favorite #tbt hit, meme Meryl has been joining in on every song, just like your most reliable karaoke buddy:

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It's not just song lyrics, though. Meryl's enthusiastic pose can pretty much express anything. It's the little meme that could.

It's all just excellent. Florence Foster Jenkins would be proud.

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